Momentary Zen

Orwell: "In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Wake Up America

Listen people we absolutely must stand up for American values. We can not allow our country to stand for torture. Do you understand that Americans are torturing people to death and not in rare instance. We must hold our leaders accountable our we will reap the injustice of what's going on someday very soon. Do you people not understand that our President met with Blair and set-up the war long before they pulled off 9/11. You must study the Downing Street Memo and then ask your congress people to support John Conyers and the 89 Representatives that have signed on asking President Bush to explain the memo. The events of 9/11 lead to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The official story can not explain how the three towers WTC 1,2, and 7 all went down due to fire when no steel structure before or since has lost structural integrity due to fire. Just try to find anything resembling flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. Wake up America before it is to late. There are foreign UN troops amassed on our soil protecting the FEMA camps where the shadow government wants to put Americans in. If they confiscate American guns we will have lost. However remember it only took 5% of the American population to kick the British out of this part of the world and they at that time we're the most invincible force in the world. Learn about these things America or our country is lost.


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