Momentary Zen

Orwell: "In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

Friday, May 13, 2005

Watching the evolution unfold.

For four years I lived in a van, wandering our countryside, staying weeks, months at a time in the different national parks dotting America. I spent these quiet, idle moments contemplating the largest questions my mind could imagine to conceive and ponder. In those four years I established myself and having published my first book; Look Somewhere Different at the age of 22, I now found that I had a voice and an audience to hear it. This dynamic changed my writing style profoundly, for I gave deep thought to the messages that I would convey through the streams of letters scrolling across pages of description and conveyance.

When I broke my neck in '94, following losing our breaks and going off a cliff in California, I found myself having to reassess, reevaluate and remold my life to pick up what was left of the unbroken, and gather myself anew. That period of my life lead me to involvement with ADAPT and Not Dead Yet and the struggle for the rights of people with disabilities to exist in a qualitative way. And so for nine years I have written for different disability magazines, extablishing myself with a voice in four states here in the Southeast, reaching a community that spreads out like a spider's web of phone lines connecting us all together in internet-instant, to eachother's thoughts and rantings.

Never did I expect that I would learn about the events of September 11th, 2001 after three years had passed with the effects of the attacks being singed to my memory, imprinted to my soul. And so, now I have a choice whether to tie myself to this revalation and share it with the world or carry it, quietly within me, hoping to share the information with others who know. And so, I wander in this quandry day after day, moving slowly and slowly to the side that puts all worry to pass and does what any great patriot would do and put the word out that we are under attack, domestically and the terrorists are within our own government. Who knows where to from here? But I have great hope that those that oppose war and love life will take back this country and make it great for the whole world to see that we are proud to be Americans where we at least know we are free though limited in current Patriot act form

Zen Garcia


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