Momentary Zen

Orwell: "In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

Monday, June 27, 2005

Stop CAFTA Protect America

This Is Your Chance to Score a Major Victory for American Independence by Stopping CAFTA!

Email Alert from, June 24, 2005

The administration is pushing for a vote on CAFTA by the Senate as early as next week, expecting to get a vote of approval that would put pressure on the House to approve CAFTA soon after it reconvenes the week of July 11th. Please activate your circle of influence now. This really is our best chance in a long time to set back the globalists' plans to destroy our nation's independence and our personal freedom under the Constitution. This is a battle for freedom that we can win!

This Is It!

Bush Sends CAFTA to Congress (The clock for an up-or-down vote has started!)

The situation is this:

  • The Bush administration's game plan for creating an EU-type FTAA hinges on congressional approval of CAFTA.
  • Since establishment of the FTAA would spell the end of U.S. independence and constitutional protections of our God-given rights, CAFTA must be defeated.
  • The administration is pushing for a vote on CAFTA by the Senate as early as next week, expecting to get a vote of approval that would put pressure on the House to approve CAFTA soon after it reconvenes the week of July 11th.
  • The pro-CAFTA forces are competing for "our" votes, so we have to compete for "their" votes while working to stiffen resistance among "our" votes. The pro-CAFTA forces are offering whatever it takes to pressure wavering congressmen into supporting CAFTA. But we can win if we work seriously to build some new constituent pressure.
  • Since the pro- and anti-CAFTA votes in Congress are fairly evenly divided, how each and every senator and representative votes is critical.
  • Your success in winning over your congressmen to vote NO on CAFTA, or in convincing your congressmen to remain in the anti-CAFTA camp, could be decisive for defeating CAFTA and delivering a major defeat to the globalist forces behind the administration's phony "free-trade" agenda.

The key to convincing your senators and representative to vote NO on CAFTA is to persuade others in your circle of influence to join you in contacting your senators and representative in vigorous opposition to CAFTA. Although both senators and representatives should be contacted, focus your most strenuous efforts on your representative. The House vote promises to be a cliffhanger.

How you can help:

Please activate your circle of influence now!

This really is our best chance in a long time to set back the globalists' plans to destroy our nation's independence and our personal freedom under the Constitution.

This is a battle for freedom that we can win!

© 2004 is a campaign of The John Birch Society


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