Momentary Zen

Orwell: "In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

Monday, July 31, 2006

Vote Independent - Take Back Our Country

With this election cycle if there is one, America has renewed opportunity to give voice to growing concerns over King George and his administration’s total lack of concern for human, international, and world opinion. As America continues to try to support Israel in their policy of devastating Lebanon, rallies take place all over the world showing overwhelming Muslim support for Hezbollah and the right to resist occupying forces.

America is losing her allies one by one as world opinion shifts. When we find ourselves isolated, there will be opportunity for the world to take its revenge, and that is why we have to get the Bush boys out of office this election cycle. This may well be our last chance to remove the neo-con Hawks bent on furthering escalations in the Middle East into what would be the third Crusader war, a battle for world dominance and the control of the last remaining resources of the planet.

The real question remains - Who do we vote into Congress here in this country, that could bring down the Bush House of cards affecting true and positive change for all of the citizens of this nation, and maybe restore our connections, good will with the rest of the world? This is the greatest dilemma facing American voters, besides the no-paper-trail rig-an-election electronic voting machines, who can we trust? We can’t trust the Republicans. They are proving themselves to be nothing more than Bush Administration lapdogs, willing to pass any piece of legislation, no matter how corrupt and offensive, just to hold the party line. We can’t trust the Democrats either, as they are nothing more than spineless, indecisive suck-ups that can’t even work together to opposse the greatest threat to our fragile democracy, George W. Bush. Outside of Russ Feingold and maybe a few others, Democrrats can’t even do the job they ran for, namely upholding congressional powers to maintain the checks and balances intended by our founding fathers when they established a government of 3 equal branches with all the powers necessary to preserve the Republic.

Since the Republicans and the Democrats obviously can’t or are unwilling to do their jobs, what shall we do when it is clear that Bush considers himself above the law as Commander-in-Chief. He has made over 750 different signing statements declaring his authority to ignore any law he chooses and to interpret it any way he wants. With his careless disregard for our own Constitution and Bill of Rights, the American people are everyday waking up more and more into what anyone would recognize as a Fascist police state, where laws are decided and declared by those who consider themselves above the reach of law.

With both parties having failed us, where do we as a nation who wants to end the war in Iraq and avoid a war with Iran, place our vote when both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-the never ending war on terror and pro-stay the course? We should use this opportunity as a nation to vote in Independents, giving power to a 3rd party which both the Democrats and Republicans would have to work with to get legislation passed. We don’t have to control either of the large parties, we just have to give enough control to 3rd parties to be able to swing the votes of either party. Placing Independents into power that - 1.) truly wish to represent the wishes of the people 2.) will stand up in truth and sincerity against the injustice of the preemption policy and illegal wars 3.) will go the full measure to impeach Bush and company, and 4.) has no lobby ties and is in no way controlled by corporations or the rich; we may be able to take back this country from the Neo-Cons who hijacked the elections of 2000 and 2004.

In this way the will of the people will be placed back into the legislative process and perhaps the people can again have a voice and a way to restore integrity to Congress, affecting a positive change for the whole world. People must become aware of the false left-right two-party paradigm. The truth is - a handful of American families have all of their members involved in the politics of running this nation. These handful of families have for decades controlled the direction of our country, often leading us down dark roads in an effort to profit off of war.

If we fail to recognize that the Bush administration is trying to lead America down the road of global conquest and eventual control of the world as stated in their Project for the New American Century document called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” This document spells out their plan clearly. 9/11 was their spark, their call for a new Pearl Harbor to instigate this plan of global dominance and perpetual war. Albert Pike sent a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini about the need to create three global wars in order to implement a one world order in which world government could be controlled through the United Nations. Recently, the UN called for its own standing army, and the ability to declare global taxes. It is only a matter of time before they control the might to enforce that tax upon the peoples of the world.

Just how long will the world tolerate Bush policies and unconditional backing of Israel? Already the world is building fragile alliances against us just to restore a balance of power in the Middle East and the world. The world is dividing up on sides. Countries of this world are determined to force us into strategic alliances, pitting everybody on one side or the other. If the world does not stand up for peace soon, and declare its necessity immediately, we will find all nations threatened and all people at risk. The escalating threat of US military imperialism, mixed with torture of detainees, and a growing list of US and Zionist war crimes, is forcing the world to have to stand up against us.

These alliances will be the hooks to draw Gog and Magog into war against Jerusalem. If the citizens of the US wish to avoid the next global catastrophe, we absolutely must use this opportunity to force change in the politics of our country. We must clean house and elect Independents in. If not, one day American will awaken to a surprise nuclear attack on our soil and the destruction of the American economy as predicted by Jeremiah 50-51.

By then it will be too late for too many. Bush is Hitler and we are Nazi Germany, and as in World War II, if we do not change our direction, Bush will force the world’s hand and the world will have to unite against us and protect itself from our evil. Let’s get rid of all the incumbents and put new people in office. We cannot continue to treat the world with our irrational foreign policy. Judgment is coming to America, and it is coming soon. I pray for our nation.


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