Momentary Zen

Orwell: "In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

Monday, July 31, 2006

Current crisis in Israel foretold in 10-year-old Bible codes

At the moment there is a very serious crisis in Israel that was triggered by an attack by Palestinian terrorists on an Israeli military post in Kerem Shalom near the border with the Gaza Strip.

As you may know, they crossed into Israel through an underground tunnel and the attack left two soldiers dead, several wounded and another one, Gilad Shalit, was kidnapped.

Satelite photo here:

Military and political analysts are unanimous: this conflict can escalate in a full-scale war involving Israel, Palestinian terrorist groups, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and the U.S.A.

Those familiar with Bible codes know that there are many matrixes about 2006 that relate this year with a world war.

Some of the codes presented here were found around 1996 and have been published in Michael Drosnin’s books “The Bible Code” and “The Bible Code 2 – The Countdown”.

2006 seems to be the year of an atomic holocaust. “The years 2000 and 2006, in the ancient calendar 5760 and 5766, were the only two years in the next hundred that matched both "atomic holocaust" and "World War."”

As I said in the May 23rd 2006 Bible codes analysis, words of the codes can be taken out of what seems to be the context and have very significant meaning.

The following is what I found out about the current crisis in Israel and the Bible codes.

Focus only on the codes because the text was written long before this crisis developed.

Relevant Bible codes of the matrixes in this link:


The Palestinians who attacked the military post crossed to Israel through an underground tunnel !!!


The Israeli ground offensive in Gaze has been delayed since a few days ago and IDF forces and massed near the Gaza border awaiting orders to start the invasion,7340,L-3269408,00.html

They delayed

It seems that one of the reasons the ground offensive on Gaza has been delayed is because there’s no agreement between Olmert and Peretz on how/when to to it

Friend delayed

Another reason for the delay has been Mubarak’s efforts to mediate the crisis. Now Israel is trying to get Martti Ahtisaari, former president of Finland, to mediate the crisis because he has good connections with the Qatar-based Sheikh Yusuf Al- Qaradawi, a mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood and a recognized religious authority for all parts of Hamas. That is the same to say that he is friends with Al-Qaradawi.


Even though the attack was in June, this crisis is escalating in July and it will be this month that major decisions will solve the crisis or bring full-scale war


“The name Ramallah has its origins in two words, Ram or Rama is an Aramaic word meaning 'a high place' ”.

A military Watchtower was attacked !!! Watch the video or at least see the image of the still frame of the “high place” here:,7340,L-3267360,00.html

Ramallah was also the place where Israel arrested 64 Hamas members on June 29th.

Death ; his soul was cut off ; murdered

This happened to two soldiers that were killed. Could it be a reference to the future murder of Gilad Shalit? (Let’s pray it isn’t)

Another will die

Could it be another soldier? Perhaps the kidnapped Gilad Shalit? (God forbid)

Prime Minister

Could it be a reference to Israel killing the Palestinian Prime Minister whose office was destroyed on July 1st by an Israeli airstrike?

Holocaust of Israel

Retaliation of Syria and/or Hezbollah with WMD’s because of Gaza’s invasion?

The next war

Will this crisis trigger the next war involving Israel ?

World war ; 9th Av is the day of the third

Will this crisis cause the beginning of World War III on the 9th Av ? (In 2006, the 9th Av is August 3rd)

Related codes in this link ( near the bottom of the page):

Shooting from the military post

The attack was a shooting in a military post in Kerem Shalom !!!

Asad Holocaust ; Syrian ; 9th Av

Will this crisis lead to the destruction of Damascus foretold in Isaiah 17 ? Will an event / events take place on the 9th Av ( August 3rd 2006 ) related to this holocaust or will this be the day of the holocaust?

Israel holds Syria responsible for the crisis because they give safe haven to Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and has threatened to kill him.

More relevant codes in this link:


I’m putting to death

That what the terrorists did to two soldiers. Has if one of the terrorists said: “I’m putting them to death”

Take Him

The kidnapped Gilad Shalit

And Toward Where?

Toward where do we take him?

The Coastland

To the Gaza Strip.

Main Entry: coast·land
Function: noun
: land bordering the sea

Gilad Shalit was taken to the Gaza Strip and its land borders the Mediterranean sea.

If he was taken to the West Bank it would match the code because the West Bank is not boardering the sea.


All this codes and events seem to indicate that the current crisis will escalate into a very serious military confrontation with unpredictable ramifications.

Some of the codes fit perfectly the events and others may very well fit in the next few days and weeks if this crisis spins out of control.

The key day is 9th Av 5766 which is August 3rd 2006.

Several codes about this day can be found here:

Let’s pray that this crisis is solved quickly and mankind is spared a terrible war.

Vote Independent - Take Back Our Country

With this election cycle if there is one, America has renewed opportunity to give voice to growing concerns over King George and his administration’s total lack of concern for human, international, and world opinion. As America continues to try to support Israel in their policy of devastating Lebanon, rallies take place all over the world showing overwhelming Muslim support for Hezbollah and the right to resist occupying forces.

America is losing her allies one by one as world opinion shifts. When we find ourselves isolated, there will be opportunity for the world to take its revenge, and that is why we have to get the Bush boys out of office this election cycle. This may well be our last chance to remove the neo-con Hawks bent on furthering escalations in the Middle East into what would be the third Crusader war, a battle for world dominance and the control of the last remaining resources of the planet.

The real question remains - Who do we vote into Congress here in this country, that could bring down the Bush House of cards affecting true and positive change for all of the citizens of this nation, and maybe restore our connections, good will with the rest of the world? This is the greatest dilemma facing American voters, besides the no-paper-trail rig-an-election electronic voting machines, who can we trust? We can’t trust the Republicans. They are proving themselves to be nothing more than Bush Administration lapdogs, willing to pass any piece of legislation, no matter how corrupt and offensive, just to hold the party line. We can’t trust the Democrats either, as they are nothing more than spineless, indecisive suck-ups that can’t even work together to opposse the greatest threat to our fragile democracy, George W. Bush. Outside of Russ Feingold and maybe a few others, Democrrats can’t even do the job they ran for, namely upholding congressional powers to maintain the checks and balances intended by our founding fathers when they established a government of 3 equal branches with all the powers necessary to preserve the Republic.

Since the Republicans and the Democrats obviously can’t or are unwilling to do their jobs, what shall we do when it is clear that Bush considers himself above the law as Commander-in-Chief. He has made over 750 different signing statements declaring his authority to ignore any law he chooses and to interpret it any way he wants. With his careless disregard for our own Constitution and Bill of Rights, the American people are everyday waking up more and more into what anyone would recognize as a Fascist police state, where laws are decided and declared by those who consider themselves above the reach of law.

With both parties having failed us, where do we as a nation who wants to end the war in Iraq and avoid a war with Iran, place our vote when both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-the never ending war on terror and pro-stay the course? We should use this opportunity as a nation to vote in Independents, giving power to a 3rd party which both the Democrats and Republicans would have to work with to get legislation passed. We don’t have to control either of the large parties, we just have to give enough control to 3rd parties to be able to swing the votes of either party. Placing Independents into power that - 1.) truly wish to represent the wishes of the people 2.) will stand up in truth and sincerity against the injustice of the preemption policy and illegal wars 3.) will go the full measure to impeach Bush and company, and 4.) has no lobby ties and is in no way controlled by corporations or the rich; we may be able to take back this country from the Neo-Cons who hijacked the elections of 2000 and 2004.

In this way the will of the people will be placed back into the legislative process and perhaps the people can again have a voice and a way to restore integrity to Congress, affecting a positive change for the whole world. People must become aware of the false left-right two-party paradigm. The truth is - a handful of American families have all of their members involved in the politics of running this nation. These handful of families have for decades controlled the direction of our country, often leading us down dark roads in an effort to profit off of war.

If we fail to recognize that the Bush administration is trying to lead America down the road of global conquest and eventual control of the world as stated in their Project for the New American Century document called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” This document spells out their plan clearly. 9/11 was their spark, their call for a new Pearl Harbor to instigate this plan of global dominance and perpetual war. Albert Pike sent a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini about the need to create three global wars in order to implement a one world order in which world government could be controlled through the United Nations. Recently, the UN called for its own standing army, and the ability to declare global taxes. It is only a matter of time before they control the might to enforce that tax upon the peoples of the world.

Just how long will the world tolerate Bush policies and unconditional backing of Israel? Already the world is building fragile alliances against us just to restore a balance of power in the Middle East and the world. The world is dividing up on sides. Countries of this world are determined to force us into strategic alliances, pitting everybody on one side or the other. If the world does not stand up for peace soon, and declare its necessity immediately, we will find all nations threatened and all people at risk. The escalating threat of US military imperialism, mixed with torture of detainees, and a growing list of US and Zionist war crimes, is forcing the world to have to stand up against us.

These alliances will be the hooks to draw Gog and Magog into war against Jerusalem. If the citizens of the US wish to avoid the next global catastrophe, we absolutely must use this opportunity to force change in the politics of our country. We must clean house and elect Independents in. If not, one day American will awaken to a surprise nuclear attack on our soil and the destruction of the American economy as predicted by Jeremiah 50-51.

By then it will be too late for too many. Bush is Hitler and we are Nazi Germany, and as in World War II, if we do not change our direction, Bush will force the world’s hand and the world will have to unite against us and protect itself from our evil. Let’s get rid of all the incumbents and put new people in office. We cannot continue to treat the world with our irrational foreign policy. Judgment is coming to America, and it is coming soon. I pray for our nation.

Friday, July 14, 2006

War on Iran Has Begun


TEL AVIV, Israel — The war with Iran has begun.

Just last Friday, Iranian President Ahmadinejad warned that Israel's return to Gaza could lead to an "explosion" in the Islamic world that would target Israel and its supporters in the West. "They should not let things reach a point where an explosion occurs in the Islamic world," he said.

"If an explosion occurs, then it won't be limited to geographical boundaries. It will also burn all those who created [Israel] over the past 60 years," he said, implicitly referring to America and other Western nations who support Israel.

Years from now, the kidnapping of Corporal Gilad Shalit will be regarded like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Against the backdrop of Kassam rocket fire on Israelis living within range of the Gaza Strip, it was the fate of Corporal Shalit that triggered the Israeli return to Gaza, which in turn brought the Hezbollah forces into the game.

Israel is fighting two Iranian proxies on two fronts. It may, or may not, open a third front against a third Iranian proxy, Syria. It is from the Syrian capital that Khaled Meshaal, the exiled leader of Hamas, has been laying down Palestinian Arab negotiating conditions. Why listen to Mr. Meshaal? Because the Hamas troops are loyal to him, rather than to their erstwhile leader, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah, let alone the increasingly (as if that were possible) hapless Palestinian Arab leader, Mahmoud Abbas.

As one senior Palestinian Arab close to Mr. Abbas told me Mr. Meshaal believes that any resolution of this crisis, and of the wider crisis brought on by the surprising Hamas election win last January and the ensuing isolation of the Palestinian Authority from its European and American funding sources, must await the outcome of the discussions between Iran and the West over its nuclear enrichment program.

Perhaps a grand bargain is in the works, in which Tehran will forgo its nuclear weapons ambitions in exchange for Washington's recognition of its emergence as the new regional power. Every day, Iran grows more powerful; any deal should reflect Iran's growing importance. For example: forcing Israel to bargain for prisoner swaps, cutting the Israeli military advantage down to size, and scuttling both the possibility of unilateral disengagement in the West Bank (the preferred Israeli option) and renewed negotiations with weakened Palestinian Arab moderates (the option preferred by the Europeans).

Even more loyal to Tehran is the Hezbollah leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, whose forces yesterday kidnapped two more Israeli soldiers, opening up the second front. Sheik Nasrallah is warning Israelis that they must not think Lebanon is unprotected as it was in 1981 and 1982 when Israeli forces came pouring across the border to silence Palestinian Arab guns. Sheik Nasrallah's men are the recipients of tens of thousands of rockets — longer range and presumably more deadly than their roughly engineered younger Kassam cousins — that put central Israel in their range.

Each one of these players — Hamas inside Gaza and in Damascus, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Assad dictatorship in Syria — are chess pieces on the Iranian board. The pawn moves, drawing in the Israeli bishop; the Lebanese rook challenges; the Syrian queen is in reserve.

Just listen: A few weeks ago, the Swedish government announced that it would label Golan Heights wine as a product from "Israeli Occupied Syria."

The Swedes were oblivious to the little dance played out around a request by the United Nations that Syria demarcate its view of the 1967 border. Turtle Bay was aiming to push Syria to claim the Sheeba farms, a small tract held by Israel and claimed by Hezbollah for Lebanon. The United Nations recognizes Sheeba Farms as belonging to Syria; should Israel and Syria ever negotiate a peace treaty, it is clear the Security Council would expect Sheeba Farms to be returned to Syrian control.

The United Nations wanted Syria to assert its claim, in order to deny Hezbollah its basic raison d'etre — "liberating" all Lebanese soil from "the Israeli occupation forces."

Passed in 2004, Security Council resolution 1559 requires the dismantling of all Lebanese militias and their replacement by a Lebanese state army. Thus far, this has been as successful as the requirement by the Quartet (America, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations) that all independent Palestinian Arab terrorist groups and militias be disarmed.

Guess what? The Syrians refused. Just turned the United Nations down flat. Apparently Sweden is more passionate about asserting Syrian territorial rights than Syria itself.

The reason is simple: Iran does not want to deny Hezbollah the justification for maintaining its armed presence in southern Lebanon, along northern Israel, and Syria does Iran's bidding.

Ephraim Sneh, a former general and Labor Party leader who is the Israeli longest drawing attention to the approaching conflict with Iran, is saying that the current moment reminds him of the Spanish Civil War. The broader global forces are aligned; local actors are committed. It is a bloody test, a macabre dress rehearsal, for what lies over the horizon.

The war with Iran has begun.

July 14, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

FREEDOM ISN'T FREE - They want your firearms!!

By: Geoff Metcalf

The first three battles of the American War for Independence (our Revolution) were not fought over taxation without representation, separation from an abusive clueless King, or nationalism. The first three battles of our American Revolution were fought to resist gun control.

General Thomas Gage, military governor of Massachusetts sent a force to confiscate weapons and capture patriot leaders.

When the British confronted Captain Parker and his militia in Lexington, they arrived to confiscate powder and ball. They met resistance and the negative consequences of collecting ammunition (one round at a time…).

Notwithstanding our faults, warts, blemishes, mistakes, and habitual myopia, since it’s founding 230 years ago, the United States of America has become and remains the best country on the planet.

Despite the persistent worst efforts of elected officials to undermine, marginalize and abrogate the essence of the very document to which they all swear a sacred oath, the ghost of the republic lingers still.

The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, has issued a warning that Kofi Annan is trying to "finalize a U.N. treaty that would strip all citizens of all nations of their right to own guns and you of your self-protection rights under the Second Amendment."

The United Nations is a dysfunctional collection of arrogant pampered bureaucrats who presume to dictate, legislate, and lecture anyone who does not subscribe to the gospel according to them.

The UN has been mired in corruption and incompetence for decades. ‘Oil for Food’ abuses were merely a multi-billion-dollar symptom of the systemic problems, which frankly are unfixable. The greatest threat to the UN’s ability to sustain bumbling incompetence and corruption has been, and remains, the United States.

For decades the UN’s reach has exceeded their grasp.

They want an International Criminal Court.

They want a global taxation mechanism (so as not to be dependent/accountable to dues paying members).

They want a standing army.

They want to be a for real world government, capable to imposing their will on ‘subordinate’ member states.

LaPierre (understandably) has his jockey’s in a wad because "This summer at U.N. headquarters in New York City -- right here on American soil -- these nations along with more than 500 gun-ban groups worldwide will hold an international conference to draft a global "Treaty on Small Arms".

Yeah, that is a bad thing…however, we (as a nation) have rejected previous overreaching by the ‘United Nothing’, and I suspect we will continue to do so.

1. We rejected the Kyoto Accords not just because it was built on a foundation of junk science and hyperbole. We rejected Kyoto because it was another UN power grab to impose their will on the U.S.

2. We rejected the International Criminal Court for much the same reasoning.However, we allowed the creation of the World Trade Organization which is no less a challenge to national sovereignty.

3. We rejected the UN mandate for establishment of a UN ‘Army’ for similar (and more) reasons. A soldier cannot ‘Pledge Allegiance’ to two flags/countries.

A global Treaty on Small Arms is old news. Globalists have been trying (and failing) to disarm would-be resisters for a very long time. Department of State Publication 7277 Disarmament Series 5 was released September 1961.

The mere ‘perception’ of an armed citizenry scared Japan during WWII. Admiral Yamamoto said, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."

Yamamoto’s comment was hyperbolic and not accurate. However, the ‘perception’ of the US served as a real impediment to mitigate a Japanese invasion.

Likewise, after the cold war, a group of former KGB agents and CIA agents were reportedly meeting in Europe when the question was raised about Soviet invasion. The Russians reportedly said, "…Not unless your government could have disarmed citizens. You have too many guns…"

Again, the strategic ‘perception’ of American cowboys and armed grandmothers intimidated an enemy.

The UN may have a ‘Jones’ to destroy the Second Amendment and ban private ownership of guns (along with our Constitution and the rest of the Bill of Rights) …but even now, THAT dog ain’t gonna hunt.

Congress would not dare ratified any such UN treaty. Those congress critters that would vote for essentially abrogating the constitutionally guaranteed God given right would (with the probable exceptions of California big cities and NYC) be out of work. Many Americans would flat out refuse to comply.

LaPierre is right when he says, "This fight is about more than firearms ownership. This is a fight for our national sovereignty, our individual freedoms and the future of our nation."

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Our Globalist President Pushing For A Standing UN Army

By Chuck Baldwin

Food For Thought From The Chuck Wagon

May 25, 2004 Writing for The Washington Times, Bill Gertz reported, "The Pentagon and State Department are planning to set up a 75,000- member international peacekeeping force for Africa, senior Bush administration officials told Congress yesterday."

The report continued by saying,"[Deputy Secretary of State Richard] Armitage said, 'What we envision is about a 75,000- person force, starting in Africa, [for] the training of peacekeepers, people to be available for peacekeeping.' The force will cost about $660 million over five years, with 20 percent of the money coming from State Department funds and the rest from the Defense Department. The program is called the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI)."

The report also quoted Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as saying, "In most cases, the U.S.-funded peacekeeping force would operate under a U.N. mandate." Wolfowitz was also quoted as saying, "an international force that could be used for peacekeeping operations would reduce 'the stresses' on U.S. forces."

If anyone doubted that President G.W. Bush was a globalist who desires to merge the United States into a one-world society, this report should be more than sufficient to erase that doubt. As did his father, G.W. Bush is pushing America closer and closer to the globalist's dream of a "New World Order."

The issue of internationalism is another one of those issues in which there is virtually no difference between the two major parties in Washington, D.C. The only difference is how conservatives will react to the news that the President of the United States is pushing for a standing UN army.

If the Washington Times had reported that President Bill Clinton was pushing for a standing UN army, conservatives would be "up in arms" about it. They would be howling their disapproval, even demanding that Clinton be removed from office. There would also be those who would doubtless call him a traitor to his country and an egregious usurper of national sovereignty.

Since it is G.W. Bush, however, who is the one calling for a standing UN army (at U.S. taxpayer's expense, no less), those same conservatives will sheepishly offer no resistance whatsoever. Beyond that, they will totally ignore this wretched plan and some will even deny that Bush would even contemplate such a plan.

The blind loyalty of conservatives to President Bush defies logic, reason, Christian principle, and even old fashioned common sense. Conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, have become the largest group of naïve, nonsensical, non-thinking, easily duped people on the planet! It's embarrassing!

President Bush's plan to create a standing UN army at U.S. expense should be met with the most vociferous opposition from every red-blooded American. This opposition should include a massive boycott of the Bush/Cheney ticket in November. And yes, Martha, there is a choice. You can bet your last dollar that Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Michael Peroutka would never propose or even tolerate such a plan.

© Chuck Baldwin


Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.

Proposal for UN Standing Army Would See UN Head Trumping Security Council

By Peter J. Smith

UNITED NATIONS, New York - June 16, 2006 ( - A book launched at the United Nations headquarters today proposes a permanent standing UN army with "rapid reaction capability" under the sole direct command of the UN. The proposals stem from A United Nations Emergency Peace Service to Prevent Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, envisioning a standing UN army that would "take action to prevent war and dire threats to human security and human rights" within 48 hours of UN authorization.

According to the book, the need for a UN Emergency Peace service stems from "the international community's failure to stop genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and to avert 'ethnic cleansing' occurring in the Darfur region of Sudan." The book hinges the need for this independent UN army on the claim that the UN has "no capacity to avert such catastrophes", even though UN forces on the ground in Rwanda were ordered not to interfere in the 1994 genocide, despite the pleadings of Gen. Romeo D'Allaire to intervene in the massacres.

Unlike previous proposals for a UN army, these latest proposals call for an army consisting of troops that would not be accountable to any nation or state, but completely remain under the auspices of the United Nations in order to increase response time to humanitarian crises such as "genocide" or "gross violations of human rights". The UN force would consist of 12,000 to 15,000 "civilian, police, judicial, military, and relief professionals" composed of "individually recruited" volunteers from many countries, which means that this army "within a single command structure" would have direct loyalty to the UN, "avoiding divided loyalties."

These forces would have to incorporate "gender sensitivities" and "gender training" in compliance with UN resolution 1325. This UN force would be in the payroll of the UN like UN civil servants, and estimates for the project's startup are 2 billion dollars with an estimated annual cost of 900 million dollars. According to the report, "the UN Emergency Peace Service would, for the first time in history, offer a rapid, comprehensive, internationally legitimate response to crisis."

The book emphasizes that the Security Council would be the most likely group to authorize this UN army, followed next by the UN General Assembly, or "a regional international organization." In one proposal for a more rapid response, in order to bypass a veto, the Secretary General could authorize the intervention of the UN Emergency Peace Service in a region without the deliberation of the Security Council or the General Assembly. In this scenario, the Security Council could only revoke the deployment of the UN army by passing a resolution according to normal procedures, meaning a veto would continue the deployment of UN troops.

The creation of an independent UN force would give the UN an unprecedented amount of muscle to act in the international arena. According to the book, if the United Nations determined that a state had violated "accountability to its people", the "UN charter", or was not in "compliance with human rights agreements", then the UN could intervene with this rapid response force on the principle of enforcing the "people's sovereignty." Among the six principles for intervention, one of the conditions advocates the pre-emptive use of the UN force when "there is an immediate and evident threat of gross violations of international humanitarian and human rights law."

Pro-life observers are concerned that UN definitions of "human rights" are more and more including abortion as a human right. Recent proposals by Amnesty International in this direction provide evidence of the trend. Moreover, non-acceptance of homosexuality is also often a violation of human rights. Recently the European Union has condemned Poland for violating human rights for the country's refusal to pass laws legitimizing such behaviour.

The book, A United Nations Emergency Peace Service to Prevent Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, has the endorsement of Global Action to Prevent War, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, and had the collaboration of representatives from Human Rights Watch, the Simons Centre for Peace and Disarmament Studies, the International Coalition for the International Criminal Court, the Global Policy Forum, the World Federalist Movement, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the Ford Foundation, the United Nations Association of the United States of America and others.

Here is the link to the UNEPS report:
Here is the link to Global Action to Prevent War and Armed Conflict:

Hit Movie Director Slams Bush Administration

Linklater says Hollywood stars, including Bruce Willis, having political paradigms changed by 9/11 conspiracy documentaries

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | July 12 2006

Acclaimed writer-director Richard Linklater, currently riding high on the rave reviews of A Scanner Darkly and best known for his 2003 production School of Rock, has publicly slammed George W. Bush as a "Yalely frat boy" who is in over his head and more corrupt than Richard Nixon.

Linklater also says that his efforts to disseminate documentaries which point the finger at the US government for involvement in 9/11 have changed paradigms for several A-list Hollywood stars - including Bruce Willis.

During a nationally syndicated radio interview, Linklater told host Alex Jones that the actions of the Bush administration were, "The most extreme I've seen in my lifetime - in American history - this kind of executive branch grab of power is so unprecedented - it's frightening."

Saying his film was a political statement, Linklater said that the abuses of the Bush administration were, "So extreme that people don't even know what to do - how do you comment - how do you voice your opposition?"

Asked if he would accept an invitation to view the film at the White House with the President, Linklater was adamant.

"Absolutely not - I've met George Bush before when he was Governor," said Linklater - describing him as a "Yaley frat boy."

"Man, is he in over his head as the President of the United States - that's your worst combination of someone not prepared with their impulses being almost wrong every time - it's painful to watch as a Texan."

Linklater outlined the kind of watchdog role Americans should assume - a necessity that his latest film warns against the consequences of abandoning.

"That's our role, that's our duty - that's what the founding fathers certainly wanted - a kind of a robust dialogue where everyone's a little unsatisfied - what we have now is a small group who are very satisfied - they've taken total control," said Linklater.

"Once you own the media and the outlets and you can control the debate to such a large degree, I wonder if the dissenting voices can even be heard."

Linklater agreed that Bush had dwarfed the crimes of Nixon commenting, "Nixon's a liberal compared to Bush - at least he cared about air quality, drinking water, things like that."

Linklater said he had handed out DVD's on set which carried claims that 9/11 was perpetrated by the US government to erect a police state to Bruce Willis, one of the stars of Linklater's upcoming Fast Food Nation.

"He said it put him in such a head space that he will be quiet on issues of national policy."

Linklater said Willis had told him in an e mail that the videos had changed his entire political paradigm.

"Bruce is a pretty thinking radical kind of guy," said Linklater.

A Scanner Darkly, an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick book that includes themes of total surveillance and the loss of freedom, is set in the short-term future after the US has lost the war on drugs. Starring Keanu Reeves, Wynona Rider, Woody Harrelson and Robert Downy Jnr. - the film is enjoying positive reviews as it slowly rolls out across the country.

Listen to the entire interview for free by clicking here.


Monday, July 10, 2006

It's WWIII, and U.S. is out of ideas?

Last week's headlines prove the point: North Korea fires missiles, Iran talks of nukes again, Iraq carnage continues, Israel invades Gaza, England observes one-year anniversary of subway bombing. And, oh, yes, the feds stop a plot to blow up tunnels under the Hudson River.

World War III has begun.

It's not perfectly clear when it started. Perhaps it was after the Berlin Wall fell and the Cold War ended. Perhaps it was the first bombing of the World Trade Center, in 1993.

What is clear is that this war has a long fuse and, while we are not in the full-scale combat phase that marked World Wars I and II, we seem to be heading there. The expanding hostilities mean it's time to give this conflict a name, one that focuses the mind and clarifies the big picture.

The war on terror, or the war of terror, has tentacles that reach much of the globe. It is a world war.

While it is often a war of loose or no affiliation, and sometimes just amateur copycats, the similar goals of destruction add up to a threat against modern society. Even the hapless wanna-bes busted in Miami ordered guns and military equipment from a man they thought was from Al Qaeda. Islamic fascists are the driving force, but anti-American hatred is a global membership card for any and all who have a grievance and a gun.

The feeling that the wheels are coming off the world has only one recent comparison, the time when America's head-butt with communism sprouted hot spots from Cuba to Vietnam. Yet ultimately the policy of mutual assured destruction worked because American and Soviet leaders didn't want their countries hit by nuclear bombs.

Such rational thinking is quaint next to the ravings of North Korean nut Kim Jong Il and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They both seem to be dying to die - and set the world on fire.

And don't forget Osama Bin Laden's declaration that it is the duty of every Muslim to acquire a "Muslim bomb." Is there any doubt he would use it if he had it?

I sound pessimistic because I am. Even worse than the problems is the fact that our political system is failing us. Democratic Party leaders want to pretend we can declare peace and everything will be fine, while President Bush is out of ideas. Witness Bush now counseling patience and diplomacy on North Korea. This from a man who scorned both for five years.

But what choice does he have now that the pillars of his post-9/11 foreign policy are crumbling? As Harvard Prof. Joseph Nye argues in Foreign Affairs magazine, Bush's strategy of "reducing Washington's reliance on permanent alliances and international institutions, expanding the traditional right of preemption into a new doctrine of preventive war and advocating coercive democratization as a solution to Middle Eastern terrorism" amounted to a bid for a "legacy of transformation."

The first two ideas have been repealed. The third brought Hamas into power and has so far failed to take root in Iraq or anywhere else.

I believed Iraq was the key, that if we prevailed there, momentum would shift in our favor. Now I'm not sure. We still must prevail there, but Iraq could mean nothing if Iran or Bin Laden get the bomb or North Korea uses one.

Meanwhile, I'm definitely not using any tunnels.

Originally published on July 9, 2006

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Supreme Court: Bush Administration Has Committed War Crimes

Dave Lindorff | July 4 2006

Largely missed in all the coverage of the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in the Hamdan v. Rumsfeld case was the establishment by the court majority that all Bush administration claims to the contrary, the Geneva Convention rules regarding captured prisoners apply to the captives taken not only in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but in the so-called War on Terror.

What has been largely missed is the clear point that the Supreme Court has now declared that for the past five years, Bush and his gang of war-mongers, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State and former National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, former Attorney General Donald Rumsfeld and current Attorney General and former White House Chief Counsel Alberto Gonzales, and many others in the administration, have been guilty of violating the Third Convention on treatment of prisoners of war. They are also, therefore, in violation of federal law, which back in 1996 adopted that convention as part of the U.S. criminal code.

In other words, the whole top administration, from Commander in Chief George W. Bush on down, is guilty of war crimes. The punishment for committing war crimes ranges from a lengthy jail sentence to, in the event the crimes in question caused the death of any prisoners being held, to death. And there have been many deaths among those who have been held and tortured on orders of the administration-most recently the three suicides at Guantanamo, which included on man who had only three days earlier been targeted for release (but who never learned this because government's secrecy and tight security prevented his attorneys at the Center for Constitutional Rights from getting the news to him).

Interestingly, Gonzales actually warned Bush about this possibility. In a memo to the president, written on January 25, 2002 when he was still White House counsel, Gonzales warned prophetically that the U.S. adoption of the Third Geneva Convention as a part of the U.S. criminal code in 1996 made violation of the convention a "war crime," which he said was defined as "any grave breach" of the Third Convention such as "outrages against personal dignity." He noted that this law applied whether or not a detained person qualified for POW status, and added that punishment for violation of the law "include the death penalty." But then he went on to say Bush could "substantially reduce" his risk of domestic criminal prosecution under the War Crimes Act by making a presidential determination that the Third Geneva Convention "does not apply to al Qaeda and the Taliban."

Clearly, Gonzales here was behaving like a mob lawyer, not like an honest counselor. He was telling the president not what was right and legal, but how to dodge prosecution.

In Bush's case, this crime calls for his impeachment, and for his subsequent prosecution as a war criminal. In the case of his subordinates and abettors, it calls for criminal indictments.

Naturally, we cannot expect to see indictments issue from the Attorney General's Office, particularly given Gonzales' own complicity and personal culpability on the war crimes charge. Conceivably, I suppose, some career prosecutor like Patrick Fitzgerald, who has been given wide authority in his special counsel role, could bring charges, though this seems highly unlikely.

Charges could also be brought by another country whose laws permit such extraterritoriality: Germany or Spain for example.

Meanwhile, we who value America's once elevated standing in the world as a supporter and author of the Geneva Conventions, should begin a campaign to press the Congress to consider a bill of impeachment against Bush for war crimes.

There are, as Barbara Olshansky and I explain in our new book The Case for Impeachment (which includes a copy of the above Gonzales memo in an appendix), many important reasons to impeach the president, but surely the deliberate policy of involving the military in the commission of war crimes-torture, kidnapping, denial of access to some process of challenge the justice of their detention-is among the worst of all of those crimes against the Constitution.

The blood is on Bush's hands, and the hands of his henchmen, but unless we the people act, and unless the Congress acts, to call them to account, it will ultimately be on all of our hands.

EU opens public consultation on RFID

Attempt to allay 'Big Brother' fears

By Maxim Kelly,

Published Tuesday 4th July 2006 09:13 GMT

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Fears about new Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID), have prompted the EU to open a public consultation process.

The commission has been holding discussions with government agencies and the private sector since March based on general themes of standardising RFID frequencies and formats across Europe, but now the emphasis has changed slightly to inform citizens on how the technology can improve quality of life without encroaching on individual privacy issues. With this in mind, the commission has initiated an online public consultation on its 'Your Voice in Europe' website.

Radio Frequency Identification is a way of storing information on a small tag that communicates via radio frequencies with an electronic reader. It has been applied to hundreds of applications as diverse as tracking migratory birds, embedding information in a passport, to pictures in an art gallery. It does not need line of sight to operate and its distance range depends on the strength of the receiver.

"We need to build a society-wide consensus on the future of RFID. We need to ensure that RFID technology delivers on its economic potential and to create the right opportunities for its use for the wider public good, while ensuring that citizens remain in control of their data," EU Commissioner for the Information Society and Media Viviane Reding said.

She added that the commission intends to assume these twin responsibilities in December this year.

A source within the supply chain industry - one of the main applications for RFID - said Ireland was slightly lagging behind other countries because a frequency range for RFID has not yet been set aside by ComReg. However, the same source added he was confident ComReg would specify the 865MHz to 868MHz frequency range this autumn.

Due to a prior commitment the ComReg spokesman dealing with spectrum issues was not available to speak with ENN at the time of publication.

The European Commission has until now been primarily concerned with avoiding a fragmented approach to RFID across the member states. It has concentrated on issues of interoperability, international compatibility, radio spectrum allocation, and the future of RFID standards.

GS1 Ireland specialises in RFID and bar-coding technologies, and its business development manager, Diego Solorzano, agreed that the European Union's approach to allaying fears about the technology was timely.

"The privacy issue is a big thing and people need to be informed to avoid misconceptions," he said. Soloranzo told ENN that a major misconception was that RFID tags will be attached to every product bought in supermarkets and that purchases could be tracked and consumer privacy interfered with. He said RFID tags were normally attached to goods at the pallet level and rarely to individual items.

"It's the same with any new technology, take genetically modified foods, people tend to think the worst because of little knowledge."

Solorzano said another concern he had come across was that people were worried about radiation from RFID chips embedded in goods or credit cards.

"There's less radiation from RFID readers and tags then from a mobile phone placed against your ear. Therefore, it's important that the EU gets that information out there," he said.

Digital Rights Ireland chairman TJ McIntyre told ENN the European Convention on Human Rights enshrined the right to privacy, and with regard to any new technology he said "it is important that steps are taken to protect that."

Copyright © 2006, ElectricNews.Net

Policy group urges RFID use to thwart terrorists

Use of radio frequency identification tracking technologies and 24-hour remote sensor systems on shipping containers not only would boost port security but also would have significant commercial benefits, according to a new study from the Public Policy Institute of California.

The government should encourage such dual-use technologies, both for security and commercial gain, because such investments are the most likely way to improve port security, the study said.

“Profit-seeking investments by private-sector shippers, carriers and port operators to enhance the efficiency of the global containerized supply chain may do more to prevent terrorist groups from using container shipping as a conveyor of weapons of mass destruction than will investments targeted at the outset specifically to the security threat,” the study said.

Outfitting containers with advanced RFID tracking and sensors is likely to cost $500 to $1,200 per container -- about $15 billion for the entire U.S. container fleet -- the report said. However, as the equipment can be used for up to five years, the annual cost would be about $200 per container.

The 296-page report offers an overview of port security, including arguments for the need to balance security and costs. Ports are using new and developing security technologies, including sensors, identification and authentication IT, and tracking and inspection technologies. The federal government should do more to encourage research and development in these areas, the report said.

Asteroid Misses Earth By A Whisker

DENVER -- In astronomical terms, the asteroid that passed by Earth at 10 miles a second early Monday missed by a whisker.

The half-mile-wide space rock that hurtled by was only 268,624 miles from Earth. That's about the distance of the moon to the Earth, scientists said, and close enough to be called a near miss.

"(The asteroid) would probably be big enough to wipe out a small country," said Dr. David Asher of the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland.

Scientists said if it were just a bit larger, it could have been capable of wiping out most life on Earth, if it had hit.

The object known as 2004 XP1 was continually monitored as it made a close approach to Earth and sped past.

Scientists estimated that the asteroid will have 10 more close encounters with Earth over this century, none of which will pose a threat.

Another asteroid will pass close enough to Earth that it will be seen with the naked eye, but it won't arrive until Friday, April 13, 2029. It will be within the geosychronos orbit of some satellites.

How Two Russian Journalists Cooked An Egg With Their Mobile Phones

Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone

Rense | July 5, 2006
By Sue Mueller

Many organizations including the cell phone industry often downplay the risk of cell phone radiation to the brain. Results from short-term studies were used to convince consumers that use of a cell phone is not associated with brain tumors or cancer, which only develop decades after exposure.

To be fair, no one knows exactly how much harm a cell phone can do to a person. Recently, new media has reported a study showing the radiation from cell phones is so full of energy they can be used to cook eggs.

In the experiment, researchers placed one egg in a porcelain cup (because it is easy to conduct heat), and put one cell phone on one side and another cell phone on the other. The researchers then called from one cell phone to another and kept the cell phones on after connecting.

During the first 15 minutes, nothing changed. After 25 minutes, however, the egg shell started to become hot and at 40 minutes, the surface of the egg became hard and bristled. Researchers found the protein in the egg had become solid although the egg yolk was still in liquid form. After 65 minutes, the whole egg was well cooked.

The study shows how scary cell phone radiation is. People should try to avoid use of cell phones. Although so far no one has proved the radiation from cell phones can cause something clinically significant. By the same token, there has been no one who can disprove the existence of such a risk.

Children should be forbidden from cell phone use because they still grow their brains and are particularly vulnerable to radiation.

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How Two Russian Journalists Cooked An Egg With Their Mobile Phones | July 5, 2006

Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.

The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.

After 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.

25 minutes: The egg became very warm.

40 minutes: The egg became very hot.

65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)