Current crisis in Israel foretold in 10-year-old Bible codes
As you may know, they crossed into Israel through an underground tunnel and the attack left two soldiers dead, several wounded and another one, Gilad Shalit, was kidnapped.
Satelite photo here:
Military and political analysts are unanimous: this conflict can escalate in a full-scale war involving Israel, Palestinian terrorist groups, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and the U.S.A.
Those familiar with Bible codes know that there are many matrixes about 2006 that relate this year with a world war.
Some of the codes presented here were found around 1996 and have been published in Michael Drosnin’s books “The Bible Code” and “The Bible Code 2 – The Countdown”.
2006 seems to be the year of an atomic holocaust. “The years 2000 and 2006, in the ancient calendar 5760 and 5766, were the only two years in the next hundred that matched both "atomic holocaust" and "World War."”
As I said in the May 23rd 2006 Bible codes analysis, words of the codes can be taken out of what seems to be the context and have very significant meaning.
The following is what I found out about the current crisis in Israel and the Bible codes.
Focus only on the codes because the text was written long before this crisis developed.
Relevant Bible codes of the matrixes in this link:
The Palestinians who attacked the military post crossed to Israel through an underground tunnel !!!
The Israeli ground offensive in Gaze has been delayed since a few days ago and IDF forces and massed near the Gaza border awaiting orders to start the invasion,7340,L-3269408,00.html
They delayed
It seems that one of the reasons the ground offensive on Gaza has been delayed is because there’s no agreement between Olmert and Peretz on how/when to to it
Friend delayed
Another reason for the delay has been Mubarak’s efforts to mediate the crisis. Now Israel is trying to get Martti Ahtisaari, former president of Finland, to mediate the crisis because he has good connections with the Qatar-based Sheikh Yusuf Al- Qaradawi, a mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood and a recognized religious authority for all parts of Hamas. That is the same to say that he is friends with Al-Qaradawi.
Even though the attack was in June, this crisis is escalating in July and it will be this month that major decisions will solve the crisis or bring full-scale war
“The name Ramallah has its origins in two words, Ram or Rama is an Aramaic word meaning 'a high place' ”.
A military Watchtower was attacked !!! Watch the video or at least see the image of the still frame of the “high place” here:,7340,L-3267360,00.html
Ramallah was also the place where Israel arrested 64 Hamas members on June 29th.
Death ; his soul was cut off ; murdered
This happened to two soldiers that were killed. Could it be a reference to the future murder of Gilad Shalit? (Let’s pray it isn’t)
Another will die
Could it be another soldier? Perhaps the kidnapped Gilad Shalit? (God forbid)
Prime Minister
Could it be a reference to Israel killing the Palestinian Prime Minister whose office was destroyed on July 1st by an Israeli airstrike?
Holocaust of Israel
Retaliation of Syria and/or Hezbollah with WMD’s because of Gaza’s invasion?
The next war
Will this crisis trigger the next war involving Israel ?
World war ; 9th Av is the day of the third
Will this crisis cause the beginning of World War III on the 9th Av ? (In 2006, the 9th Av is August 3rd)
Related codes in this link ( near the bottom of the page):
Shooting from the military post
The attack was a shooting in a military post in Kerem Shalom !!!
Asad Holocaust ; Syrian ; 9th Av
Will this crisis lead to the destruction of Damascus foretold in Isaiah 17 ? Will an event / events take place on the 9th Av ( August 3rd 2006 ) related to this holocaust or will this be the day of the holocaust?
Israel holds Syria responsible for the crisis because they give safe haven to Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and has threatened to kill him.
More relevant codes in this link:
I’m putting to death
That what the terrorists did to two soldiers. Has if one of the terrorists said: “I’m putting them to death”
Take Him
The kidnapped Gilad Shalit
And Toward Where?
Toward where do we take him?
The Coastland
To the Gaza Strip.
Main Entry: coast·land
Function: noun
: land bordering the sea
Gilad Shalit was taken to the Gaza Strip and its land borders the Mediterranean sea.
If he was taken to the West Bank it would match the code because the West Bank is not boardering the sea.
All this codes and events seem to indicate that the current crisis will escalate into a very serious military confrontation with unpredictable ramifications.
Some of the codes fit perfectly the events and others may very well fit in the next few days and weeks if this crisis spins out of control.
The key day is 9th Av 5766 which is August 3rd 2006.
Several codes about this day can be found here:
Let’s pray that this crisis is solved quickly and mankind is spared a terrible war.