Momentary Zen

Orwell: "In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act

Monday, March 27, 2006

Charlie Sheen Goes Public on 9/11 - by Zen Garcia

Wow, hold on to your seats 9/11 Truth Seekers, we are on a roller coaster ride now. The movement has long been awaiting a catalyst to light the fire under the mainstream media, which has for years ignored or harassed individuals or groups that have come out about the obvious inconsistencies surrounding the events of 9/11. I have been writing about these issues for years and remarking about how I could see the movement growing and evolving from one of unbelieveable disbelief into overwhelming fear, and finally into absolute rage.

I commend you Charlie Sheen for coming out on the side of truth. I also made my choice years ago to stand for truth whther that stand lead to my death, loss of livelihood, friends, support, etc. And I have lost friends, supports, outlets which I used to write for, since they were unwilling to bring forth issues I was screaming. I came out years ago about how thimerosol had destroyed an entire generation of children and finally years later and vindication from the CDC's own studies. I'm proud of you America for pulling your head out of the sand and getting interested in things that truly matter concerning the health and well-being of our collective nation and the future of our children. We are winning. Keep the heat on and wake all you can. They may for a time consider you crazy but didn't all of the Most High's holy line of prophets. They were ridiculed ignored persecuted and made fun of. Remember they laughed at Noah for a year while he prepared his ark. In the end who was right and who wrong?


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