September 5, 2005 -- Urgent International Appeal. U.S. troops in New Orleans are treating hurricane victims as members of "Al Qaeda." Reports coming to WMR report that the greater New Orleans area has been turned into a virtual military zone where troops threaten bewildered and hungry survivors who approach them for help. One resident of the unflooded Algiers section of New Orleans on the west bank of the Mississippi River reports that the 65,000 population of the neighborhood has been reduced by forced evacuations to 2000 even though there are relatively undamaged schools, parks, and churches available to house the homeless. The remaining population of Algiers is in urgent need of medical supplies. The same situation exists in Jefferson Parish and other areas in the greater New Orleans area. U.S. troops are treating the remaining people in New Orleans and its suburbs as "suicide bombers," according to the Algiers resident. FEMA's operations are nothing more than a ruse to depopulate the poor African-American and whites from the metropolitan area. A natural disaster has now turned into a human rights catastrophe in the making. Our corporate news media is totally controlled by the Bush administration with an information embargo now in force from the Gulf coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi. Thecable news channels are now praising the White House's response. This is a blatant lie from a dictatorship that controls the media through financial control and intimidation. The web is our only way to get the news out to the rest of the world.
As a U.S. human rights activist who has reported on genocide in Rwanda, Sudan, West Papua and other parts of the world, I am appealing to my human rights and civil liberties contacts around the world -- Africa, Europe, Latin America, Australia, Canada, Asia and the Pacific -- to immediately bring this humanitarian crisis to the attention of your elected representatives, your governments, and international organizations. They must make immediate demarches to the American diplomatic embassies and offices in your countries. The United States is under the control of a despotic regime that is permitting American citizens and legal residents to die from starvation and disease. This is why the Bush regime refused offers of international assistance -- they are depopulating an entire city that before the storm was 70 percent African American, with the remaining 30 percent largely comprised of those of Creole, French Acadian, and American Indian descent. The United Nations must take this up as an urgent unfolding crisis that has an international impact. Please help our people.
Meanwhile, the communications jamming in the New Orleans continues. it is now being reported as affecting the Citizens' Band (CB) frequencies by truck drivers on Interstate-10.
September 5, 2005 -- President Bush has nominated John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Taking advantage of a nation reeling and preoccupied with an immediate task of saving hurricane victims and recovering thousands of bodies after its worst natural disaster, George W. Bush early this morning announced he was nominating controversial Judge John Roberts to be the next Chief Justice, replacing the late William Rehnquist for whom Roberts once clerked. The White House has withheld from Congress hundreds of documents regarding Roberts' role in the Iran-Contra scandal and other affairs while he was a counsel for President Reagan. Other documents on Roberts' role in President George H. W. Bush's pardon of Iran-contra felons while serving under Solicitor General Kenneth W. Starr at the Justice Department have also been withheld from Congress. There are also questions about Roberts' view of civil rights. It has been revealed from released memos that he was an ardent supporter of South Africa's apartheid regime during the Reagan administration.
As reported on WMR yesterday, Sen. Orrin Hatch was tipping the hand on Bush's intentions when he said he wanted a quick confirmation of both Roberts and a Chief Justice. What he didn't say was that Bush would combine the two processes. Bush said that he expects Roberts to be sitting as Chief Justice when the Supreme Court meets publicly for its Fall session on October 3. Bush said he will announce a replacement for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor "in a timely manner." Bush only deals with things in a timely manner when its part and parcel of his plans to radically change the United States as a corporate fascist state. When its hurricane relief, timely manner is not in Bush's lexicon.
Nominated for Chief Justice -- John Roberts. The Bush coup continues: From two years on the Federal bench to the Chief Justice of the United States.
September 4, 2005 -- WMR contacted by spokesperson for James Lee Witt. Yesterday, WMR reported that according to a June 3, 2004 press release from Innovative Emergency Management (IEM), Inc. it received a FEMA contract to develop a "Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans & Southeast Louisiana." The IEM press release stated that among its team partners was James Lee Witt Associates. Witt was FEMA director under President Clinton and he restored that agency's disaster recovery effectiveness after President George H. W. Bush's ineffective response to Hurricane Andrew in 1992. According to Witt's spokesperson, James Lee Witt Associates continues to be fraudulently listed on IEM's web site as a team partner for the over $500,000 FEMA contract work.The IEM press release that contains the erroneous information has been disappearing and reappearing, another sign of something suspicious with IEM.
IEM, which is an 8-A minority-owned firm, apparently used Witt's name as a "buy in" ploy to lock in the FEMA contract. What is fishier is that the IEM press release was reportedly sent out before the FEMA contract was actually awarded. After IEM began the work on the FEMA contract, it never once used Witt's company and did not pay it one cent. Informed sources claim that IEM, owned by a big donor to the GOP, is notorious for not completing work after contracts are awarded. The Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana was no exception. Mr. Witt is now acting as a pro bono disaster recovery adviser for Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco. Witt's spokesperson was frank is stating, "you don't really think the Bush administration would have given a contract to someone who worked for Bill Clinton?" That is very true. The issue with the incomplete FEMA hurricane preparedness plan is in IEM's and its actual partners' court. James Lee Witt, likely America's most effective FEMA Director, had nothing to do with the IEM work and he now needs all the support the nation and state of Louisiana can muster as he prepares to confront America's worst natural disaster in its history. [Note to bloggers: please ensure widest dissemination of this story. Someone is trying to set up Mr. Witt and the editor smells Karl Rove.]
John Kerry speaking of the Republicans in 2004: "These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group of people I’ve ever seen."
September 4, 2005 -- Reports continue that communications in and around New Orleans are being purposely jammed (and severed) by the US government (see Sep. 2 article below). The jamming is having an adverse impact on emergency, disaster recovery, and news media communications. The jamming is even affecting police radio frequencies in Jefferson Parish, according to an Australian news report. The President of Jefferson Parish Aaron Broussard told Meet the Press today that FEMA cut his parish's emergency communications lines and he had to have his sheriff restore the severed lines and post armed deputies to ensure that FEMA did not try to cut the communications lines again. Broussard's statement: "Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and says, 'No one is getting near these lines.'"
Jamming radio and other communications such as television signals is part of a Pentagon tactic called "information blockade" or "technology blockade." The tactic is one of a number of such operations that are part of the doctrine of "information warfare" and is one of the psychological operations (PSYOPS) methods used by the US Special Operations Command. Jamming is currently being used by US forces in Iraq and was used by the US Navy in the botched coup attempt against President Hugo Chavez in April 2002. US Navy ships off the Venezuelan coast jammed diplomatic, military, emergency services, police, and even taxi cab frequencies in Caracas and other large cities.
From "The Manchurian Printer," Simson L. Garfinkel [The Boston Sunday Globe, March 5, 1995, Focus Section, Page 83]:
"Not surprisingly, the unclassified version of the Pentagon's report barely mentions the offensive possibilities of Information Warfare---capabilities that the Pentagon currently has under development. Nevertheless, these capabilities are alluded to in several of the diagrams, which show a keen interest by the military in OOTW---Operations Other Than War. "They have things like information influence, perception management, and PSYOPS---psychological operations," says Wayne Madsen, a lead scientist at the Computer Sciences Corporation in northern Virginia, who has studied the summer study report. 'Basically, I think that what they are talking about is having the capability to censor and put out propaganda on the networks. That includes global news networks like CNN and BBC, your information services, like CompuServe and Prodigy,' and communications satellite networks. 'When they talk about 'technology blockade,' they want to be able to block data going into or out of a certain region of the world that they may be attacking."'
ALERT: WMR readers should be aware that web sites like Democratic Underground are "locking" information on the radio jamming in Louisiana and the corruption involved in FEMA hurricane disaster preparedness (IEM Team contract). Readers should also be aware that the Pentagon's technology blockade strategy extends to the Internet. Web sites like Democratic Underground and Daily Kos have a lot of explaining to do when they censor critical information during a national emergency. These web sites, along with Fox News and the other news sources with overt and covert political agendas, are not serving in the public interest and should be avoided as sources for important information. For example, some Daily Kos posters are questioning whether FEMA deliberately cut Jefferson Parish's emergency telephone lines. That is because many of those involved with Daily Kos and Democratic Underground are squishy Democrats with a pretty obvious agenda. - WM
September 4, 2005 -- Bush the "Uniter" in action. After President Clinton threatened to physically assault House Speaker Dennis Hastert for his comments about bulldozing New Orleans, Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on This Week that if President Bush criticizes New Orleans' law enforcement one more time, she will punch him and that he will have to "fear from me." If Senator Landrieu needs someone to hold the pathetic Boy King while she lays one right in his cake hole, I'm available.
Meanwhile, 200 New Orleans policemen have resigned after two in their ranks committed suicide. The death toll may far exceed 10,000. However, FEMA is already restricting the news media from reporting on the number of dead bodies in the hurricane ravaged areas of Louisiana and Mississippi. This may also have something to do with the radio jamming reportedly originating from a US Navy ship off the coast of New Orleans. Bodies are stacked up like cordwood around the Superdome and the so-called "Christians" (as well as rabbinical son Michael Chertoff) in the Bush administration are making plans for mass burials of the dead. Karl Rove, whose very adept at subtracting votes of African-Americans, will certainly begin subtracting numbers from the total dead so Bush will not go down in history as the President who was responsible for the greatest death toll from a natural disaster in the United States. President Jimmy Carter and Vice President Al Gore, real Christians, should be put in charge of the sad inter-agency task of the recovery of bodies, notification of next-of-kin, and arranging proper burials. Sadly, some bodies will never be recovered due to the carnivorous marine life that now swims through the streets of New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana. But a team led by President Carter and Vice President Gore could have immediate access to intact government records or their backups to determine who was lost in the catastrophe and prevent White House spinmeisters like Rove from tinkering with the overall death count. When the leadership of a nation fails, it is common practice to look to past capable leaders to pick up the pieces and carry the nation forward. Forget after action reports Chertoff and Bush, just do it now!
September 4, 2005 -- US Embassy in Baghdad inquires into reports that American troops in Iraq have mutinied against their officers. WMR has learned that the US embassy in Baghdad is checking into reports that U.S. troops in Iraq, including National Guardsmen, Army and Marine Corps Reserves, and regular military troops from Louisiana and Mississippi, have mutinied against their officers and are demanding to be immediately sent back home to help their families. It is not known whether the reported mutinies involve physical violence. The reports of rebellions among U.S. troops are filtering out of the Green Zone and at Baghdad International Airport from Iraqis who are working alongside their American counterparts at both locations.
September 4, 2005 -- The Soviet-style "psikhushka" psychiatric abuse of NSA employees continues unchecked. WMR is now able to report on yet another case of a senior NSA employee being fired from her job as a result of policy differences with a top Pentagon military officer. The NSA employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, was fired by the uncontrolled NSA Security Directorate after she had a policy difference with Marine Corps Colonel Robert A. Gearhart, Jr., the chair of the Pentagon's J6 Interoperability Policy Test Panel (IPTP) of the Joint Technology Architecture (JTA) program.The NSA employee was ordered to undergo a psychiatric examination by NSA's head shrink, forensic psychologist Dr. John Schmidt. She was ordered to see the NSA psychologist by NSA's Security Directorate, run by Kemp Ensor III. NSA Security and the Psychology unit maintain an organizational linkage that permits the immediate suspension of security clearances for "troublesome" employees. According to a For Official Use Only (FOUO) NSA Security organizational chart dated January 13, 2005, which was obtained by WMR, the Office of Personnel Security (Q2) is headed by Donna M. Pucciarella. The Q23 Adjudications branch, which is in charge of psychologically abusing NSA whistleblowers, is headed by William K. Zephir. His deputy is John B. Craven. Q234, "Special Actions" for Military and Special Access Processing, is headed by Michael J. Kilduff. WMR has spoken to two other NSA career employees who received similar treatment after they brought questionable practices to the attention of senior management at Fort Meade.
Maryland's Gulag Psychiatric Center for refuseniks targets additional career NSA employees
The fired NSA employee was about to disclose the fraudulent funneling of billions of dollars of Pentagon JTA funds to defense contractors in violation of Federal Acquisition Regulations and Federal law.
The financial chicanery involving illegal steerage of Pentagon money to defense contractors was discovered as part of the operations of the Information Technology (IT) Systems and National Security Systems (NSS) Interoperability Test Panel (ITP), which included the fired NSA employee as a voting principal chartered member. Other voting members of the panel include representatives from the US Army, the US Navy, the US Air Force, the US Marine Corps, the US Coast Guard, the Vice Director J6, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The firing of the NSA employee over her complaints about fraud, waste, and abuse in the Pentagon and NSA fits a pattern of reprisals taken against those NSA career employees who are witnessing the wholesale outsourcing of America's most sensitive intelligence operations to companies, some with ties to hostile intelligence nations.
September 4, 2005 -- The death of Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist on the evening of September 3 is giving the right wing hopes of locking in an extremist right-wing court majority for the next 40 years. Rightists like Utah's Sen. Orrin Hatch are using the hurricane cataclysm to push for quick Senate confirmations of Judge John Roberts and Rehnquist's successor. As for Rehnquist's legacy, his stewardship of the Supreme Court was marked by a dangerous turn to judicial supremacy. The Rehnquist court overturned more Federal laws than any of its predecessors. And Rehnquist decided that the Chief Justice's judicial robes should be emblazoned with admiral-like gold stripes. Rehnquist got his gold stripes idea from the Gilbert and Sullivan Lord High Chancellor character in the play Iolant. One can only wonder what kind of judicial robe Rehnquist would have worn had he been a fan of La Cage Aux Folles.
September 3, 2005 -- International relief efforts for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina are being stalled by inaction from the White House and State Department. The Bush administration is sending confusing and mixed signals to nations around the world which have aircraft sitting on runways and medical and disaster recovery crews on standby. In Russia, Canada, France, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, China, and dozens of other countries, critical resources such as search and rescue helicopters, ships, cargo aircraft, divers, urban search and rescue teams, medicine, and food are sitting idle awaiting a green light from Washington. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, just back from her thousand dollar shoe shopping spree in New York, says the Bush administration and that "crack team" at FEMA are still trying to figure out what assistance is needed. ALL of it is needed. This is the problem with having an expert on the Czechoslovakian military (which no longer exists) as Secretary of State -- she possesses only limited and trivial knowledge that has no relevance today. Playing more politics, Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega (who, like John Bolton, is a Jesse Helms protege) is refusing to allow Venezuelan humanitarian aid workers on American soil. President Hugo Chavez accused the Bush administration of not preparing an adequate evacuation plan for New Orleans and called Bush the "vacation cowboy."
Noriega takes his orders from the fanatic Florida exile junta whose titular head is Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL). Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff is likely demanding relief crews be interviewed, photographed, and fingerprinted before being allowed entry to the United States. "His job is to oversee surveillance, not recovery," one long time Washington, DC policy adviser said of Chertoff. Once again, for the trillionth time, the Bush administration has shown itself to be inept and uncaring. Its time for them to go.
September 3, 2005 -- FEMA privatized hurricane disaster recovery planning for New Orleans and Southeastern Louisiana. The firms that received the contract are big GOP contributors. Adding to the controversy regarding the Army Corps of Engineers diverting $250 million from the SELA (Southeast Louisiana) Urban Flood Control Program to Iraq and Halliburton reconstruction projects, is the revelation that FEMA outsourced hurricane recovery planning to the Baton Rouge-based consulting firm Innovative Emergency Management (IEM), Inc. to develop a "Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans & Southeast Louisiana." The award was announced on June 3, 2004 on the firm's web site but was taken down just as Hurricane Katrina's winds and waves first started pounding New Orleans. [Note: the IEM press release is now back up on the company's web site.]
t would now appear that the hurricane plan IEM and its team developed wasn't worth a damned thing.
IEM's team partners for the more than $500,000 contract are Dewberry of Arlington, VA, URS Corporation of San Francisco, and allegedly James Lee Witt Associates. Witt was FEMA Director under Bill Clinton. IEM's president is Madhu Beriwal. The company was founded in 1985. Dewberry and URS are engineering firms. IEM is also a Defense Department contractor and has contracts with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) along with team members Booz Allen Hamilton and Lockheed Martin.
Now for the interesting background on Ms. Beriwal. She is a big-time contributor to the GOP. She's given thousands of dollars to Republicans, including Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby, Louisiana Rep. Bobby Jindal, Rep. Richard Baker of Louisiana, the National Republican Congressional Committee, former Arkansas Sen. Tim Hutchinson. Vitter was the largest recipient of funds from Beriwal.
The Chairman of Dewberry Sidney Dewberry, the Vice Chairman, Barry K. Dewberry, and Secretary of the firm, Michael Dewberry have been substantial contributors to George W. Bush, Virginia Sen. John Warner, the National Republican Congressional Committee, Sen. Shelby, "Every Republican is Crucial" Political Action Committee, Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia (also fingered in the Duke Cunningham MZM, Inc. scandal), Virginia Sen. George Allen, Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf, Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican National Committee, and the Federal Victory Fund of Annandale, VA controlled by Tom Davis. The Dewberrys have also contributed to the financially-tainted Democrat from Virginia's 8th District, Jim Moran.
URS's board of directors includes Richard Blum, the husband of California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and retired General Joseph Ralston, the former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and current Vice Chairman of the Cohen Group (former Defense Secretary William Cohen's firm). Ralston also served as a director of the Timken Company, the firm of current US ambassador to Germany William Timken, a big time contributor to George W. Bush.
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has announced that she is hiring Witt to assist in the hurricane recovery. IEM erroneously claimed that James Lee Witt Associates was part of its team. See the September 4 story above.
Paraphrasing Monday Night Football's intro -- ARE YOU READY FOR REVOLUTION?
September 2, 2005 -- Hurricane Katrina may be Bush's and the GOP's "Chernobyl." The anger of the American people over the lack of planning for Hurricane Katrina, the diversion of troops, equipment, and money (including $250 million in New Orleans flood control money to Halliburton) to a quagmire in Iraq, and price gouging and fuel shortages engineered by oil companies are being talked about by Washington's punditocracy as Bush's Chernobyl, a reference to the 1986 meltdown at the Soviet nuclear reactor and the cover-up of news and lack of government response that hastened the fall of the Soviet Communist Party.
Bush continues to show that he is channeling the spirit of Emperor Nero. He told Americans who are seeing gas prices rise as fast as the New Orleans flood waters, " If you don't need gas, don't buy any." This man is mentally incapable of serving as President. Would you fly in an airplane piloted by a suicidal, mentally deranged man?
New Orleans: Bush's "Chernobyl" -- Will the bloated elephant go the way of the hammer and sickle? We can only hope.
September 2, 2005 -- Who is jamming communications in New Orleans? Ham radio operators are reporting that communications in and around New Orleans are being jammed. In addition, perplexed ham radio operators who were enlisted by the Federal government in 911 are not being used for hurricane Katrina Federal relief efforts. There is some misinformation circulating on the web that the jamming is the result of solar flares. Ham radio operators report that the flares are not the source of the communications jamming. If anyone at the National Security Agency is aware of the source of the jamming, from direction finding or satellite intelligence, please discretely contact me at (from a private or temporary email account). In this case, the Bush administration cannot hide behind national security and it is the duty of every patriotic American to report such criminal activity to the press. Even though the information on the jamming may be considered classified -- it is in the public interest to disclose it. Also, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is reporting that no aircraft over New Orleans have been fired on over New Orleans or anywhere else in the area. Are the reports of shots being fired at aircraft an attempt by the Bush administration to purposely delay the arrival of relief to the city's homeless and dying poor? The neocons have turned New Orleans into Baghdad on the Mississippi.
New Orleans: Who is jamming communications and why?
UPDATE: We can now report that the jamming of New Orleans' communications is emanating from a pirate radio station in the Caribbean. The noise is continuous and it is jamming frequencies, including emergency high frequency (HF) radios, in the New Orleans area. The radio frequency jammers were heard last night, stopped for a while, and are active again today. The Pentagon must locate the positions of these transmitters and order the Air Force to bomb them immediately.
However, we now have a new unconfirmed report that the culprit may be the Pentagon itself. The emitter is an IF (Intermediate Frequency) jammer that is operating south southwest of New Orleans on board a U.S. Navy ship, according to an anonymous source. The jamming is cross-spectrum and interfering with superheterodyne receiver components, including the emergency radios being used in New Orleans relief efforts. The jammed frequencies are:
72.0MHZ (high end of Channel 4 WWL TV New Orleans)
45.0MHZ (fixed mobile)
10.245MHZ (fixed mobile)
10.240 Mhz (fixed mobile)
11.340 Mhz (aeronautical mobile)
233 MHZ (fixed mobile)
455 IF (jammer)
A former DoD source says the U.S. Army uses a portable jammer, known as WORLOCK, in Iraq and this jammer may be similar to the one that is jamming the emergency frequencies.
UPDATE Sep. 3 -- A Vancouver, British Columbia Urban Search & Rescue Team deployed to New Orleans reported that their satellite phones were not working and they had to obtain other satellite phones to keep in touch with their headquarters and other emergency agencies in British Columbia.
There is a report on a ham radio web site that jamming is adversely affecting the New Orleans emergency net on 14.265 Mhz.
If a U.S. Navy ship is, in fact, jamming New Orleans communications, the crew must immediately shut down the jammer and take action against the Commanding Officer.
We have just learned from a journalist in Mobile that yesterday, Sprint blocked all cell phone calls from the Gulf Coast region to points north and west. Calls were permitted between Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida but no calls could be made to Washington, New York, or Los Angeles
September 1, 2005 -- Hurricane Katrina brings out blatant racism from the loonie White Right. No sooner had the television images flashed across the national screens of desperate New Orleans residents carrying non-perishable food items, dry clothing, and medicines out of flood ravaged stores did the white "evangelical" right begin to make noise about shooting looters and that "people that dumb" not to get out of New Orleans when they could deserved what they got. Of course, every looter was likened to the one or two people seen carrying television sets from broken store windows, not those carrying cases of bottled water or canned goods.
The venomous bile about "dumb people" and looters comes from the very same people who follow the dictates of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson (none of whom have been at the forefront of any relief efforts except to say that New Orleans was punished by God because it was going to host a gay festival this month). This editor is a strong believer in the First Amendment, but this kind of speech is incendiary, hateful, and downright un-American. And the people who engage in it should be banned from the airwaves and jailed if necessary. Fox News must be taken off the air until it can be trusted to properly serve the public interest. Hopefully, a future Democratic-controlled FCC will have that as one of its first priorities.
Case in point. A bartender in a local bar in a "trendy" and "yuppie" neighborhood in the Washington, DC area commented that the people who stayed behind in New Orleans did so just so they could loot the city after the hurricane struck. When I said that a number of the people left behind were poor, infirmed, elderly and not able to evacuate because they had no cars or immediate families in the area, the bartender said that was crap. He also did not see the difference between wanton looting and obtaining necessities for survival from damaged stores. It seems that some people commit Rush Limbaugh's and Fox News' talking points to memory and then just repeat them like human tape recorders. I also pointed out what WMR reported on Aug. 31: that a number of people who tried to evacuate were forced to turn back after being caught in traffic jams as the hurricane's effects first began to be felt in the city and suburbs. Then the bartender's final words, which sums up the mindset of these disgusting right wingers: "If cops from Philly were down in New Orleans, they'd take care of the looters. They'd shoot the boogs." Unfortunately, this is the same sort of mentality that permeates the Bush administration -- the disaster that can be called "Hurricane Dubya."
The following comes from Mobile and is further indication of the racist attitudes rising in the Gulf disaster: Daphne, AL local residents initiated a local "call the Mayor" campaign to get him to close a shelter in their community because there were too many local affluent people complaining about having "scummy" people present at the shelter. The mayor closed it! The name of the shelter is reported to be Robertson, according to a local source. The shelter was emptied, presumably waiting for white clean cut refugees.
Please stop this racism in the midst of a disaster.
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was in New York shopping for expensive shoes at tres chic Ferragamo's on Fifth Avenue. (Is she the lost love child of Imelda Marcos?) A shopper confronted Rice shouting at her about shopping for shoes while thousands were dead and homeless on the Gulf Coast. Rice, showing the compassion of a shark on a feeding frenzy, had store security remove the woman. Of course, Rice does not have much to do. Its U.S. policy not to accept foreign aid in a natural disaster (always has been, even under Democratic administrations). Its considered beneath the dignity for a "super power" to accept foreign aid. Other nations have offered aid in the past only to be given the back of Uncle Sam's hand. If this ridiculous policy were to change (along with the Secretary of State who most world leaders think is a joke), France would be the first to offer assistance to its cousins in Acadiana and southern Mississippi. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez has offered gasoline and food. Fidel Castro would offer doctors (they are top notch). [Note: President Castro has offered 1100 Cuban doctors for the relief effort - the Bush administration's answer to Castro's first offer before Katrina struck, "do not publicize this offer of assistance"]. Ditto on aid from Russia (they've already offered helicopters but were told they could only be used to rescue Russian nationals trapped in New Orleans (3 on the upper floors of a hotel, at last count). We could count on Canada, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Japan, Britain, Spain, Italy, China, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Jamaica, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, and a number of other nations.
And in a most disgusting example of chutzpah, the so-called "President" Dubya strummed a guitar at the Coronado Naval Base in San Diego while thousands drowned in New Orleans. One day, Bush's name will replace Emperor Nero's as a synonym for a lackadaisical tyrant who fiddled while his nation was in need: "Bush fiddled while New Orleans drowned." Maybe Bush could play the guitar while someone sings that refrain.
"Nero" Bush -- Fiddles in San Diego while New Orleans drowned. Will someone in Congress please introduce an impeachment resolution? This asshole raced back to DC from his eyesore of a "ranch" to sign a bill to keep a woman in a persistent vegetative state on her feeding tube. But he plays the guitar as thousands of healthy human beings perish.

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